ホーム 計算ツール

疾患別 化合物ライブラリー

These include focused libraries of small-molecule compounds with potential biological activity towards certain diseases (such as Anti-Cancer Compound Library, Anti-Diabetic Compound Library, Anti-Cardiovascular Disease Compound Library, etc.).

カタログ番号 製品名
L1700 Anti-Viral Compound Library A unique collection of 1040 anti-virus compounds effective for new anti-virus drugs high throughput screening and high content screening; 1040 compounds
L4500 Anti-Fungal Compound Library A unique collection of 253 antifungal compounds effective for drug repurposing screening, combination screening and biological investigation. 253 compounds
L2150 Anti-Cancer Drug Library A unique collection of 3159 anticancer drugs for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 3159 compounds
L2140 Cancer Cell Differentiation Compound Library A unique collection of 413 cancer cell differentiation inducing compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 413 compounds
L2130 Anti-Cancer Metabolism Compound Library A unique collection of 1280 cancer cellular metabolism related compounds for cancer research and high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 1280 compounds
L2191 Anti-Breast Cancer Compound Library A unique collection of 1965 compounds with anti-breast cancer therapeutic activity or targeting breast cancer’s major signaling pathways, can be used for anti-breast cancer drug discovery and mechanism study; 1965 compounds
L2192 Anti-Pancreatic Cancer Compound Library A unique collection of 2267 pancreatic cancer related compounds can be used in HTS and HCS; 2267 compounds
L9860 Antidepressant Compound Library 1181 compounds associated with depression that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening 1181 compounds
L1900 Anti-Diabetic Compound Library A unique collection of 690 diabetes related compounds; 690 compounds
L2120 Anti-Cancer Clinical Compound Library A unique collection of 2614 anti-cancer compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 2614 compounds
L2151 Chemotherapy Drug Library 51 Chemotherapeutic drugs that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 51 compounds
L1710 Anti-COVID-19 Compound Library A unique collection of 1160 compounds with confirmed anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity or potential activity and part of them are broad-spectrum antiviral agents; 1160 compounds
L7110 Anti-Hypertension Compound Library 719 hypertension-related small molecules for high-throughput and high-content screening. 719 compounds
L2110 Anti-Cancer Approved Drug Library A unique collection of 1825 approved anti-cancer drugs for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 1825 compounds
L2180 Anti-Cancer Compound Library Plus Well-chosen 1468 anti-tumor compounds with unique structures; 1468 compounds
L7100 Anti-Obesity Compound Library A unique collection of 2286 anti-obesity compounds for high throughput and high content screening; 2286 compounds
L2195 Anti-Prostate Cancer Compound Library 2096 compounds associated with prostate cancer that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 2096 compounds
L1800 Anti-Infection Compound Library A unique collection of 2977 anti-infective compounds including anti-bacterial, anti-fungi, anti-Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), anti-HIV, anti-SARS, anti-influenza, etc; 2977 compounds
L2160 Anti-Cancer Active Compound Library A unique collection of 3250 compounds with known anti-cancer activity for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 3250 compounds
L2190 Anti-Lung Cancer Compound Library A unique collection of 1735 compounds with anti-lung cancer therapeutic activity or targeting lung cancer’s major signaling pathways, can be used for anti-lung cancer drug discovery and mechanism study; 1735 compounds
L4510 Anti-Parasitic Compound Library 420 well-chosen unique anti-parasitic small molecules; 420 compounds
L4520 Anti-Bacterial Compound Library A unique collection of 921 antibacterial bioactive compounds, a powerful tool for antibacterial drug development; 921 compounds
L8200 Anti-Aging Compound Library A unique collection of 3324 anti-aging compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 3324 compounds
L2170 Immuno-Oncology Compound Library A unique collection of 454 compounds acting on immune-oncology therapeutic targets can be used for high throughput and high content screening; 454 compounds
L9830 Anti-Parkinson's Disease Compound Library A unique collection of 908 compounds with anti-PD activities or acting on main drug targets of PD can be used for HTS and HCS. 908 compounds
L5200 Anti-Metabolism Disease Compound Library A unique collection of 1558 metabolism diseases related compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 1558 compounds
L9840 Anti-Alzheimer's Disease Compound Library A unique collection of 1040 compounds with anti-AD activities or acting on main drug targets of AD can be used for HTS and HCS. 1040 compounds
L2193 Anti-Liver Cancer Compound Library 1816 species of compounds related to liver cancer that can be used in anti-liver cancer drug development and pharmacological studies. 1816 compounds
L4710 Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Compound Library 530 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds for high-throughput and high-content screening. 530 compounds
L2152 Targeted Therapy Drug Library 121 tumor-targeted drugs that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 121 compounds
L2196 Anti-Ovarian Cancer Compound Library A unique collection of 1888 compounds with anti-ovarian cancer therapeutic activity, can be used for anti-ovarian cancer drug discovery and pharmacological study; 1888 compounds
L4700 Immunology/Inflammation Compound Library A unique collection of 4720 anti-inflammation compounds effective for high throughput screening and high content screening. 4720 compounds
L2100 Anti-Cancer Compound Library A unique collection of 7360 compounds with anti-cancer activity for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 7360 compounds
L5400 Anti-Cardiovascular Disease Compound Library A unique collection of 1428 cardiovascular diseases related compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 1428 compounds
L4660 Anti-Nervous System Disease Library Well-chosen 1246 compounds with unique structures targeting nervous system; 1246 compounds
L2620 Anti-Neurodegenerative Disease Compound Library A unique collection of 2154 compounds related to neurodegenerative diseases can be used for HTS or HCS; 2154 compounds
L2194 Anti-Colorectal Cancer Compound Library 1565 compounds associated with colorectal cancer that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 1565 compounds
L8400 Hematonosis Compound Library A unique collection of 524 compounds related to hematologic diseases for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 524 compounds
L9810 Anti-Fibrosis Compound Library A unique collection of 1180 potential anti-fibrosis compounds, can be used in HTS and HCS; 1180 compounds
Anti-Viral Compound Library
L1700 compounds - 1040
Anti-Fungal Compound Library
L4500 compounds - 253
Anti-Cancer Drug Library
L2150 compounds - 3159
Cancer Cell Differentiation Compound Library
L2140 compounds - 413
Anti-Cancer Metabolism Compound Library
L2130 compounds - 1280
Anti-Breast Cancer Compound Library
L2191 compounds - 1965
Anti-Pancreatic Cancer Compound Library
L2192 compounds - 2267
Antidepressant Compound Library
L9860 compounds - 1181
Anti-Diabetic Compound Library
L1900 compounds - 690
Anti-Cancer Clinical Compound Library
L2120 compounds - 2614
Chemotherapy Drug Library
L2151 compounds - 51
Anti-COVID-19 Compound Library
L1710 compounds - 1160
Anti-Hypertension Compound Library
L7110 compounds - 719
Anti-Cancer Approved Drug Library
L2110 compounds - 1825
Anti-Cancer Compound Library Plus
L2180 compounds - 1468
Anti-Obesity Compound Library
L7100 compounds - 2286
Anti-Prostate Cancer Compound Library
L2195 compounds - 2096
Anti-Infection Compound Library
L1800 compounds - 2977
Anti-Cancer Active Compound Library
L2160 compounds - 3250
Anti-Lung Cancer Compound Library
L2190 compounds - 1735
Anti-Parasitic Compound Library
L4510 compounds - 420
Anti-Bacterial Compound Library
L4520 compounds - 921
Anti-Aging Compound Library
L8200 compounds - 3324
Immuno-Oncology Compound Library
L2170 compounds - 454
Anti-Parkinson's Disease Compound Library
L9830 compounds - 908
Anti-Metabolism Disease Compound Library
L5200 compounds - 1558
Anti-Alzheimer's Disease Compound Library
L9840 compounds - 1040
Anti-Liver Cancer Compound Library
L2193 compounds - 1816
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Compound Library
L4710 compounds - 530
Targeted Therapy Drug Library
L2152 compounds - 121
Anti-Ovarian Cancer Compound Library
L2196 compounds - 1888
Immunology/Inflammation Compound Library
L4700 compounds - 4720
Anti-Cancer Compound Library
L2100 compounds - 7360
Anti-Cardiovascular Disease Compound Library
L5400 compounds - 1428
Anti-Nervous System Disease Library
L4660 compounds - 1246
Anti-Neurodegenerative Disease Compound Library
L2620 compounds - 2154
Anti-Colorectal Cancer Compound Library
L2194 compounds - 1565
Hematonosis Compound Library
L8400 compounds - 524
Anti-Fibrosis Compound Library
L9810 compounds - 1180