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Lauraceae is a plant family that comprises about 2850 known species in about 45 genera worldwide. Litsea cubeba is one of aromatic medicinal plant belonging to family Lauraceae. The roots, stems and fruits of L. cubeba have been widely applied as folk medicines in some districts in China for relieving rheumatism and cold, regulating Qi (meridian) to alleviate pain. Previous studies revealed that this species contains major alkaloids, in specific aporphines, and minor flavonoids, lignans as well.

クロモジ属 オコティア属 クリトカリャ属 ネクタンドラ属 Endlicheria属 スナヅル属 ゲッケイジュ属 アポロニアス属 ハマビワ属 クスノキ属(シナモン)