ホーム 計算ツール

分野別 天然化合物ライブラリー

Natural products originate from various sources, including animals, plants, microorganisms, etc. With their diverse structures, natural products cover over 30 types of unique compound structures, including flavonoids and alkaloids, and exhibit various biological activities such as anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Based on the number of genes, it has been estimated that the plant kingdom contains more than 200,000 different metabolites with values for single species ranging between 5,000 and 15,000, values that are significantly greater than those of microorganisms (∼1,500) and animals (∼2,500). We created several Characteristic Natural Product Libraries based on their biogenesis and the source they originate from (Alkaloid Natural Product Library, Flavonoid Natural Product Library, Polyphenolic Natural Product Library, Terpene Natural Product Library, Selected Plant-Sourced Compound Library, and Microbial Natural Product Library) as well as their specific applications (Anti-Inflammatory Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library, Anti-Tumor Natural Product Library, and Food as Medicine Compound Library). In addition, we can formulate customized natural product library for our customers with specific needs.

カタログ番号 製品名
L6210 Tibetan medicine Compound Library A collection of 754 natural product molecules originated from Tibetan medicine, which can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 754 compounds
L6200 The Yao nationality medicine Library A collection of 225 natural product molecules originated from Yao medicine, which can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 225 compounds
L6600 Anti-Gastroenteritis Natural Product Library A unique collection of 223 natural products related to gastroenteritis for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 223 compounds
L6700 Anti-Tumor Natural Product Library A unique collection of 1800 natural products with known anti-cancer activity for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 1800 compounds
L2540 Gut Microbial Metabolite Library A unique collection of 614 gut microbial metabolites which can be used for HTS and HCS; 614 compounds
L6620 Antiparasitic Natural Product Library A unique collection of 253 natural products with antiparasitic activity, a powerful tool for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 253 compounds
L6740 Anti-Colorectal Cancer Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library A collection of 386 TCM monomers with anti-colorectal activity. An effective tool for drug development and pharmacological studies. 386 compounds
L4600 Selected Plant-Sourced Compound Library A unique collection of 3076 plant-sourced compounds that derived from 277 plant species for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 3076 compounds
L6400 Marine Natural Product Library A unique collection of 148 marine natural products for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 148 compounds
L6300 Food as Medicine Compound Library A unique collection of 1302 compounds from food as medicine for high throughput and high content screening; 1302 compounds
L6100 Polyphenolic Natural Product Library A unique collection of 640 natural polyphenolic compounds for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 640 compounds
L6730 Anti-virus Traditional Chinese Medicine Monomer Library A collection of 270 TCM monomers with anti-virus activity. An effective tool for drug development and pharmacological studies. 270 compounds
L6140 Saccharide and Glycoside Natural Product Library A unique collection of 364 saccharides and glycosides compounds can be used for HTS and HCS; 364 compounds
L6500 Microbial Natural Product Library A unique collection of 560 microbial natural products for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 560 compounds
L6120 Flavonoid Natural Product Library A unique collection of 477 flavonoids can be used for high throughput and high content screening; 477 compounds
L6220 Traditional Mongolian Medicine Compound Library A collection of 960 natural product molecules originated from Mongolian medicine, which can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 960 compounds
L6110 Alkaloid Natural Product Library A unique collection of 468 natural alkaloids can be used for high throughput and high content screening; 468 compounds
L6720 Anti-COVID-19 Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library A unique collection of 1162 monomers from 60 TCM plants, a powerful tool for anti-COVID-19 drug discovery, can be used for HTS and HCS screening; 1162 compounds
L6001 Mini Fungal Metabolite Natural Product Screening Library
L6810 Traditional Chinese Medicine Monomer Library A unique collection of 2771 compounds (TCM monomers) sourcing from traditional Chinese Medicines, is a powerful tool for drug discovery and research in mechanism; 2771 compounds
L6150 Covalent Natural Product Library Detialed biological information and pharmacological information of the products, providing theoretical direction and research basis for screening. 596 compounds
L6800 Chinese Pharmacopoeia Natural Product Library A unique collection of 2070 natural products included in Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP), a powerful tool for drug development and pharmacological study; 2070 compounds
L2500 Human Endogenous Metabolite Library A collection of 508 selected human endogenous metabolites for high throughput and high content screening. 508 compounds
L6160 RO5 Drug-like Natural Product Library A unique collection of 2743 natural product monomers that meet the "Lipinski's Rule of Five", a powerful tool for HTS and HCS screening; 2743 compounds
L6710 Anti-Inflammatory Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library A collection of 1260 TCM monomers with anti-inflammatory activity or targeting molecular therapeutic targets in inflammation, a powerful tool for drug discovery and mechanism study; 1260 compounds
L6230 Miao medicine Compound Library A unique collection of 540 compounds featuring natural product molecules derived from Miao medicine that can be used for high-throughput and high-content screening. 540 compounds
L6750 PBCRBS Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library A unique collection of 588 compounds derived from traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. 588 compounds
L2501 Human Endogenous Metabolite Compound Library Plus A unique collection of 1300 endogenous metabolism-related compounds for research in endogenous metabolism-related diseases and drug screening. 1300 compounds
L6610 Anti-infective Natural Product Library A unique collection of 1070 species of natural products with anti-infective activity for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 1070 compounds
L6130 Terpene Natural Product Library A unique collection of 522 natural terpenes and terpenoids can be used for high throughput and high content screening; 522 compounds
L6900 Rare Natural Product Library A unique collection of 180 rare natural products, which can be used for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS); 180 compounds
Tibetan medicine Compound Library
L6210 compounds - 754
The Yao nationality medicine Library
L6200 compounds - 225
Anti-Gastroenteritis Natural Product Library
L6600 compounds - 223
Anti-Tumor Natural Product Library
L6700 compounds - 1800
Gut Microbial Metabolite Library
L2540 compounds - 614
Antiparasitic Natural Product Library
L6620 compounds - 253
Anti-Colorectal Cancer Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library
L6740 compounds - 386
Selected Plant-Sourced Compound Library
L4600 compounds - 3076
Marine Natural Product Library
L6400 compounds - 148
Food as Medicine Compound Library
L6300 compounds - 1302
Polyphenolic Natural Product Library
L6100 compounds - 640
Anti-virus Traditional Chinese Medicine Monomer Library
L6730 compounds - 270
Saccharide and Glycoside Natural Product Library
L6140 compounds - 364
Microbial Natural Product Library
L6500 compounds - 560
Flavonoid Natural Product Library
L6120 compounds - 477
Traditional Mongolian Medicine Compound Library
L6220 compounds - 960
Alkaloid Natural Product Library
L6110 compounds - 468
Anti-COVID-19 Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library
L6720 compounds - 1162
Mini Fungal Metabolite Natural Product Screening Library
L6001 compounds - 0
Traditional Chinese Medicine Monomer Library
L6810 compounds - 2771
Covalent Natural Product Library
L6150 compounds - 596
Chinese Pharmacopoeia Natural Product Library
L6800 compounds - 2070
Human Endogenous Metabolite Library
L2500 compounds - 508
RO5 Drug-like Natural Product Library
L6160 compounds - 2743
Anti-Inflammatory Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library
L6710 compounds - 1260
Miao medicine Compound Library
L6230 compounds - 540
PBCRBS Traditional Chinese Medicine Compound Library
L6750 compounds - 588
Human Endogenous Metabolite Compound Library Plus
L2501 compounds - 1300
Anti-infective Natural Product Library
L6610 compounds - 1070
Terpene Natural Product Library
L6130 compounds - 522
Rare Natural Product Library
L6900 compounds - 180