ホーム 計算ツール


Rosaceae comprises at least 2830 species in 95 genera. Raspberries are economically and medicinally important plants. Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of using fruits and other parts of Rubus plants therapeutically. Chinese raspberries (e.g., R. chingii, Fu Pen Zi) are considered to have sweet and warm properties and are associated with the liver and kidney meridians. They tonify and stabilize the kidneys to preserve vital energy and treat liver and kidney deficiency. Chinese raspberries are used to prevent frequent urination, enuresis, premature ejaculation, and impotence. They are also applied to reduce sore lower back, improve eyesight, and prevent uterine, cervical, and colon cancer.

ナナカマド属 シモツケ属 シモツケソウ属 リンゴ属 カマツカ属 ビワ属 テマリシモツケ属 サンザシ属 キジムシロ属 サクラ属 サクラ属 カナメモチ属 キイチゴ属 ダイコンソウ属 キンミズヒキ属 ワレモコウ属 ヤナギザクラ属 バラ属