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Search Results for " S100 calcium-binding protein A15A "



Recombinant Proteins

カタログ番号 製品名 Species Expression System
TMPJ-01189 S100A15A Protein, Mouse, Recombinant Mouse E. coli
Members of the S100 protein family are involved in calcium- or zinc-dependent cellular functions and regulate immune-mechanisms, cell proliferation and differentiation. Some S100 members have been established as tumor ma...
TMPY-02497 S100A15 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His & MBP) Mouse E. coli
Koebnerisin is also known as protein S100-A7A (S100A7A), S100 calcium-binding protein A7-like 1 (S100A7L1) or S100 calcium-binding protein A15 (S100A15). Human S100A7A / S100A15 is a novel member of the S100 family of EF...