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Search Results for " (8R,9S)-Cinchonine "



カタログ番号 製品名 別名 ターゲット
T0012 Cinchonine LA40221,(8R,9S)-Cinchonine Apoptosis , P-gp , Parasite
Cinchonine (LA40221), a local anesthetic of the amide type, now generally used for surface anesthesia. It is one of the most potent and toxic of the long-acting local narcotics and its parenteral use is restricted to spi...
T64246 Cinchonine monohydrochloride hydrate Others
Cinchonine ((8R,9S)-Cinchonine) monohydrochloride hydrate is a natural and potent antimalarial agent and an inhibitor of human platelet aggregation. apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and inhibits adipogen...