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Search Results for " PF-01367338 "




カタログ番号 製品名 別名 ターゲット
T6127 Rucaparib Phosphate AG-014699 phosphate,PF-01367338,AG-014699,PF-01367338 phosphate PARP
Rucaparib Phosphate (PF-01367338 phosphate) is an inhibitor of PARP (Ki: 1.4 nM for PARP1) that is used in clinical therapy to sensitize cancer cells to chemotherapy.
T4463 Rucaparib AG-14447,PF-01367338,AG014699 PARP
Rucaparib (PF-01367338) is an inhibitor of PARP with Ki of 1.4 nM for PARP1 in a cell-free assay, and also shows binding affinity to eight other PARP.
T16807 Rucaparib monocamsylate Rucaparib Camsylate PARP
Rucaparib monocamsylate (Rucaparib Camsylate) is a PARP inhibitor (PARP1,Ki of 1.4 nM). Rucaparib Camsylate also displays binding affinity to eight other PARP domains.