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Search Results for " DSerine "







カタログ番号 製品名 別名 ターゲット
T8394 D-Serine (R)-Serine Endogenous Metabolite , NMDAR , iGluR
D-Serine ((R)-Serine) is an endogenous amino acid,is a potent co-agonist at the NMDA glutamate receptor.
T8363 DL-Serine PKM
DL-Serine is a non-essential amino acid and a natural ligand and allosteric activator of pyruvate kinase M2.
T2O2730 L-Serine (S)-Serine,serine,(-)-Serine,(S)-2-Amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid Endogenous Metabolite
L-Serine (serine) is a non-essential amino acid in humans, L-Serine is present and functionally important in many proteins.L-Serine is also found at the active site of the serine protease enzyme class that includes tryps...

Recombinant Proteins

カタログ番号 製品名 Species Expression System
TMPY-05089 CCL21a Protein, Mouse, Recombinant Mouse Baculovirus Insect Cells
CCL21a Protein, Mouse, Recombinant is expressed in Baculovirus insect cells. The predicted molecular weight is 12.1 kDa and the accession number is P84444.
TMPY-05472 CCL21a Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His) Mouse Baculovirus Insect Cells
CCL21a Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His) is expressed in Baculovirus insect cells with His tag. The predicted molecular weight is 13.5 kDa and the accession number is P84444.

Isotope Products

カタログ番号 製品名 別名 ターゲット
T32902 L-Serine-1-13C L-(1-13C)Serine,L-(l-13C)Serine
L-Serine-1-13C is an amino acid.