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Search Results for " BIOacetoxime "




カタログ番号 製品名 別名 ターゲット
T6787 BIO-acetoxime BIA,GSK-3 Inhibitor X Apoptosis , GSK-3 , HSV
BIO-acetoxime (GSK-3 Inhibitor X) is a potent dual GSK3α/β inhibitor with IC50 of 10 nM, >240-fold selectivity over CDK5/p25, CDK2/cyclin A and CDK1/cyclin B.
T8649 TMBIM6 antagonist-1 BAX-inhibitor-1,BIA mTOR
TMBIM6 antagonist-1 (BAX-inhibitor-1) is a bax inhibitor
T9156 CDC25B-IN-2 Phosphatase , mTOR
BIA is an inhibitor of the interaction between TMBIM6 and mTORC2, which ultimately blocks AKT activation and cancer progression.
T61890 (E/Z)-BIO-acetoxime
(E/Z) - BIO-acetoxime is effective and selective GSK-3 α/β Inhibitors. For GSK-3 α/β, CDK5/p25, CDK2/cyclin A and CDK1/cyclin B, IC50 are 10nM, 2.4 μM, 4.3 μ M, 63 μ M, respectively。